Well it would seem that Summer is starting early this year, and I don't just mean the weather. 2008 is poised to be the year of most new festivals, most notably including All Points West and Rothbury. Critics of Bonnaroo argue that Tennessee's King-of-All-Festivals has lost much of its luster by having a less exciting lineup each year and by growing more commercially oriented. I think by know ya'll are fully aware how I feel about Pearl Jam, but I do see the point. If I decide to go this year it will only to see my favorite band and a handful of other curiosities. And as Bonnaroo loses some of its popularity, more festivals are popping out of the woodwork.
And with more medium to large festivals spread further throughout the country and calendar, with the first scents of Spring we see the birth of the '08 festival season, almost inevitably at Big Cypress, FL.
But before we talk about that, last week it was an honor to be able to witness two of the legendary performances of Eric Clapton & Steve Winwood's '08 tour. For those who weren't there, it's hard to describe the combination of these two singular talents and the strong selection of hits from their work together with Blind Faith, separately from each of their solo career's, and even three fine covers of their late legendary contemporary, Jimi Hendrix. (A little know fact is Steve Winwood is the one artist above any whom Jimi aspired to collaborate with.)
Tonight I set out on a small voyage to the smelly state of New Jersey to watch the Black Crowes perform their new album that is to be released this Tuesday. This sold out show is part of a limited run of small, personal performances to promote the release of Warpaint (2008). Tuesday evening, after listening to the album, I plan to attend the Crowes' Irving Plaza performance in downtown NYC as well.
Almost immediately after Tuesday night's show I will be setting out with friends to Big Cypress, FL for the aforementioned first major '08 festival: Langerado. The four day eclectic extravaganza highlights some of the most exciting acts spanning the past three decades of popular music. From Indigenous and Blind Melon to the Beastie Boys and R.E.M., Langerado promises to be a blast. Naturally I am thrilled to see the New Deal perform "live progressive breakbeat house" together as the original trio for the first time in a few years. And I am particularly looking forward to finally seeing Dan Deacon, a new breed of electronic artist. Friends at Purchase College warned me to ready myself for his explosion on the scene.
For all those not lucky enough to be going to Langerado who will be in the NYC area, I strongly encourage you to check out The Tim Nayfield Mix Tape & Ellis Ashbrook at the Knitting Factory on March 8th. Not that I had anything to do with arranging the show... (See previous blog.) But seriously, the Mix Tape is a strong improvisational fusion featuring members of the illustrious Buck County, PA bands Sage and OdIS. Ellis Ashbrook is the crantastic Boston favorites who are always accountable to rock one's socks completely off.
After I get back from Langerado I will barely have time to sufficiently sleep before the Adrian Belew Trio tour comes to the Northeast. As many of you already know, Adrian Belew is the incomparable guitarist who brought on the second coming of King Crimson after featured on the works of Frank Zappa and David Bowie and later the Talking Heads and Paul Simon. (Anyone looking for some fantastic anecdotes from the life of a true rock icon, check out Adrian's Elephant Blog.) As many of you don't already know, the Adrian Belew Trio includes the outstanding Julie Slick on bass and her brother Eric Slick on drums, both of whom are graduates of the Paul Green School of Rock. (Eric also plays with Project Object, among many, many others.) It will be an honor to see ABT at the renowned World Cafe in Philadelphia, PA.
The following morning I fly out to New Orleans, LA to celebrate my brother's 40th birthday. Old, huh?
And finally, to wind down the first half of March's Music Madness, I look forward to St. Patrick's Day most of all. Van Halen, reunited with the notorious David Lee Roth, returns to Madison Square Garden for the second time in a year. I couldn't be happier about being there, again.